Thursday, December 23, 2010

Adventure on the horizon...


       Rocky and I are getting ready for a big adventure with our friend Gillian. Destination Florida. The land of palm trees, rednecks, crack heads and rich white old people. But more importantly, my family and friends live there. So that's that.
       I want to find a different Florida than the one I've known in the past. That's why I am going to turn my trip into a photo project. Gillian said that I can use her awesome little Cannon, but if it feels right I might bring my clunker and try to make the best of it.  I am also making a necklace out of my flash drive so that I can store photos on it whenever I come across a computer.
       I've been packing my bag and prioritizing valuable commodities, carefully deciding which little things get to come with.
  • Bikini .........check!
  • Doggy saddle bags full of dog food...... check!!
  • Camera batteries.... check!!
  • Tooth brush and dental floss.......check!!
  • sanity.... check!
  • cell phone charger.... check!!
  • One good book...... undecided as of yet
      All of the commodities, separately, are light and not intimidating, but together they can either turn a pack into a pain in the ass or a bearable burden of all usefulness, depending on how much I convince myself I need to bring. 
      I have a whole plan for my boot situation.  Let me explain:  I will travel south with two pairs of boots: normal leather boots, and giant thermal snow-boots. The snow-boots will stay on my feet until I reach a snow-less environment, at which time I will throw away my snow-boots and switch to my all-terrain-except-snow boots. I'm ok with throwing these boots away because I've had them for years and they've started to leak. Out with the old. 
     On the topic of adventure, here is my first and last attempt at sequential  art.  I had a hard time figuring out the  words that belong in the thought bubbles, so I left them blank. Please feel free to add your own words.

The shell cracks while it is still night...

 A fully clothed, grown and newly hatched  man climbs down from his nest...

        Here is were u come in.... What does he say? Please note color creeping  into the composition. As the story progresses, more and more color will take over the scene.

 So then  he's like "Fuck this, I'm out..."

      Our hero is left to wander the Earth in search of an answer that has no question and a question that has no answer. Lame, right? Welcome to life : )

Here is an image Ive been meaning to scan for awhile of a winged female.

I need to get re-obsessed with pointillism.

Here is a sketch of a child from a National Geographic magazine.....


And Another strange image that I dug up...

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